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Download official ThingsBoard logos

ThingsBoard logo is a trademark of ThingsBoard, inc.

You needn't ask us for permission to use the ThingsBoard logo on your own website solely as a hyperlink to or to an appropriate ThingsBoard project, or in other materials, such as presentations and slides, solely as a means to refer to the ThingsBoard itself.
All other uses of the ThingsBoard logo must be approved in writing by the ThingsBoard, inc.

Using the ThingsBoard trademarks in software product branding

In general you may not use ThingsBoard trademarks in any software product branding for software products except "Powered By ThingsBoard" in the dashboard footer. For example, it is not permitted to name a product either "MyCompany distribution of ThingsBoard", "ThingsBoard MyCompany Edition", or any similar kind of name.
You may contact us to get a written permission to use ThingsBoard trademarks in your software product branding.

The following uses of ThingsBoard trademarks are probably infringing:

  • Confusingly similar software product names.
  • Software service offerings that are for anything other than official ThingsBoard-distributed software.
  • Company names that may be associated in customer's minds with ThingsBoard or its trademarked project software.