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Smart Irrigation template

The Smart Irrigation template represents a generic field irrigation solution, to provision fields and related devices.


As part of this solution, we have created the Smart Irrigation dashboard that displays data from multiple soil moisture sensors. This dashboard contains 2 states - Main state and Field state.

You may use the Main state to:

  • monitor the average soil moisture value of existing fields on the interactive map;
  • monitor the fields of the relevant soil crops in the list and add new fields as needed;
  • set limit values for each field for applying irrigation;
  • monitor soil moisture history in real-time using a graph;
  • monitor Alarms that occur when the established conditions are not met;

In order to go to Field state, click on the row of the desired sensor in the Field section or choose the needed field on the interactive map.

You may use the Field state to:

  • monitor irrigation status;
  • set and edit the inclusion schedule and conditions under which irrigation will work;
  • view statistics on soil moisture;
  • monitor Alarms that have occurred;
  • manage soil moisture level sensors and view them on an interactive map;
  • view irrigation tasks.

You may always customize the “Smart Irrigation” dashboard using dashboard development guide.


We have already created multiple devices and loaded some demo data for them. See solution instructions for the list of created devices and their credentials.

SI Water Meter

The profile is configured to raise alarms if the value of “battery” telemetry is below a configurable threshold. Warning alarm is raised when the value is below 30. The device also uploads the “pulseCounter” which is used to calculate water consumption. Sample device payload:

{"battery": 99, "pulseCounter": 123000}

SI Soil Moisture Sensor

The profile is configured to raise alarms if the value of “battery” telemetry is below a configurable threshold. Warning alarm is raised when the value is below 30. The device also uploads the “moisture” level. Sample device payload:

{"battery": 99, "moisture": 57}

SI Smart Valve

The profile is configured to raise alarms if the value of “battery” telemetry is below a configurable threshold. Warning alarm is raised when the value is below 30. Sample device payload:

{"battery": 99}

The device also accepts the RPC command to enable or disable the water flow. Sample RPC command:

{"method": "TURN_ON", "params": {}}

You may find the exact commands to send data on behalf of created devices in the solution instructions. See connecting devices for various connectivity options to connect real devices.


User may turn alarms on and off as well as configure the alarm thresholds via the “Smart Irrigation” dashboard.