- v3.9.0 (Dec 31, 2024)
- v3.8.1 (Oct 15, 2024)
- v3.8.0 (Oct 3, 2024)
- v3.7.0 (Jun 17, 2024)
- v3.6.4 (Apr 11, 2024)
- v3.6.3 (Mar 18, 2024)
- v3.6.2 (Dec 28, 2023)
- v3.6.1 (Nov 13, 2023)
- v3.6.0 (Sep 21, 2023)
- v3.5.1 (May 31, 2023)
- v3.5.0 (May 9, 2023)
- v3.4.4 (February 7, 2023)
- v3.4.3 (December 21, 2022)
- v3.4.2 (December 1, 2022)
- v3.4.1 (August 18, 2022)
- v3.4 (July 19, 2022)
- v3.3.4.1 (March 18, 2022)
- v3.3.4 (March 11, 2022)
- v3.3.3 (January 27, 2022)
- v3.3.2 (November 11, 2021)
- v3.3.1 (September 3, 2021)
- v3.3 (August 13, 2021)
- v3.2.2 (March 24, 2021)
- v3.2.1 (January 26, 2021)
- v2.5.6 (January 26, 2021)
- v3.2 (December 1, 2020)
- v2.5.5 (December 1, 2020)
- v3.1.1 (August 28, 2020)
- v2.5.4 (August 28, 2020)
- v3.1 (August 12, 2020)
- v2.5.3 (August 12, 2020)
- v3.0.1 (June 9, 2020)
- v2.5.2 (June 9, 2020)
- v3.0 (June 1, 2020)
- v2.5.1 (June 1, 2020)
- v2.5 (May 12, 2020)
- v2.4.3 (January 8, 2020)
- v2.4.2 (December 10, 2019)
- v2.4.1 (September 13, 2019)
- v2.4 (July 10, 2019)
- v2.3.1 (April 3, 2019)
- v2.3 (February 7, 2019)
- v2.2 (November 30, 2018)
v3.9.0 (Dec 31, 2024)
Everything from TB CE v3.9 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
Core & Rule Engine
- Notifications localization;
- Updated default converters;
- Migrated self-registration notifications to notification center;
- Single storage for all tenant domains across all related entities;
- Housekeeper TTL cleanup implementation for blob entities;
- Advanced debug mode settings for Integrations and Converters;
- Improved generation of help links;
- Added description column for converters table;
- Added ability to reset white labeling to default;
- Added auto scroll down when adding new subitem in custom menu;
- Updated navigation buttons of the Water Metering solution template;
Bug fixes
- Fixed entity hierarchy widget not displaying entity groups;
- Fixed integration rate limits per tenant;
- Fixed fuel level monitoring template;
- Fixed error when making entity group private;
- Fixed incorrect display of copy button in custom translate (Firefox);
- Fixed user activation link refresh when resending activation email;
- Fixed entitiesByGroupNameFilter with non-empty ownerId;
- Fixed opening default dashboard without dashboard group permission;
- Fixed missing new menu items in previously created custom menu;
- Fixed mail template and self-registration editor configuration;
- Fixed updated base URL in login white labeling;
- Fixed NPE during persist integration statistics;
- Fixed vendor logo display in converter library;
- Fixed issue with entity groups import by version control;
- Solutions template custom actions typo fixes;
v3.8.1 (Oct 15, 2024)
Everything from TB CE v3.8.1 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Improved resource cleanup on ‘check connection’ in the integration center;
Bug fixes
- Fixed autoplay of the solution template video in Chrome;
- Added support for Ubuntu 24.04 in the web report;
- Fixed custom menu retrieval for public users;
v3.8.0 (Oct 3, 2024)
Everything from TB CE v3.8 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
Core & Rule Engine
- Improved query performance for findByTenantsIdsAndRoleId (notification system);
- Added validation for domain and base URL;
- Added data converter library;
- Added caching for entity group service;
- Refactoring of the ‘Change Owner’ node;
- Entity groups ‘On row click’ action hint;
- Changed example of ‘Copy Entity Id to buffer’ custom action function for entity groups;
- Added error handling for crash and close events on web pages, and improved logging for WebReport component;
- Added possibility to choose converter for specific device using converter library;
Bug fixes
- Fixed group entities table ‘navigate to other dashboard’ action ‘open in a new browser tab’ option not working;
- Fixed permission denied when opening user profile if WL is disabled;
- Fixed deeplink retrieval for cases when tenant/customer set base url without http schema;
- Fixed default uplink converter for ChirpStack, LORIOT, TTN, and TTI integrations;
- Fixed NoClassDefFoundError in Twilio voice node;
- Fixed getEntityGroupPermissions;
- Fixed typo in scheduler short labels for day week;
- Fixed issue where login WL baseURL auto-generates after saving instead of displaying the URL saved on the server;
- Fixed color KPN icon integration and optimize this icon;
- Fixed Kinesis integration;
- Fixed NPE during saving events from remote integration;
- Fixed mobile dashboard configuration for Waste Management and Assisted Living solution templates;
- Removed ‘enable data export’ option for static widgets;
- Hidden configuration hint button of mobile qr code widget for customers or users without permissions;
v3.7.0 (Jun 17, 2024)
Everything from TB CE v3.7 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Advanced Localization support;
- Added validation on tenant admin deletion from user group;
- Added check on last admin deletion while owner change;
- Added new env variable USE_NEW_PAGE_FOR_REPORT;
- “Duplicate to group” node: added the ability to pass entity group name using patterns;
- “Change originator” node and “Customer attributes” node: added logic to support returning parent customer id if the originator is a customer;
Bug fixes
- Fixed entities count calculation on customer level;
- Fixed permissions cache updating when group permission’s user group changed;
- Fixed Redis config for Integration Executor;
- Fixed ‘Too many updates!’ error while the Smart irrigation template installation;
- Fixed system mail templates usage;
- Fixed the scroll issue on the sysadmin page;
- Fixed XLSX export for value cards;
- Fixed layout with long file name for White labeling page;
- Disabled ‘Login as’ button for the current user;
- Resolved invalid data issue in Entity table widget export due to Date() in Cell Content Function;
v3.6.4 (Apr 11, 2024)
Everything from TB CE v3.6.4 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Web Report
- Improved web report functionality and logging;
v3.6.3 (Mar 18, 2024)
Everything from TB CE v3.6.3 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Core & Rule Engine
- Added “hide connectivity dialog” option in WL;
- Ability to enable/disable scheduler events;
- Updated TbDuplicateMsgToGroupByNameNode;
- Removed support for upgrades from versions prior to 3.5.0;
- UI
- Added support for global CSS variables in White labeling advanced CSS;
- Added details page link for OTA package for device group detail panel/page;
- Added ability to disable cell content function on export;
- Added Twilio rule-nodes examples;
- Added Transactional for saveDeviceWithAccessToken;
- Added platform prefix for documentation links;
- Added some French translations for scheduler;
- Improved data export for timeseries table widget;
- Improved web report error handler and added debug logs;
- Scheduler events redesign implementation;
- Refactoring of scheduler base and validators;
- Dashboard table row click now opens the dashboard;
- Edge
- Support of customMenu update in realtime;
- Support of device group OTA package;
- Added customer name into entity group All naming for customer level;
Bug fixes
- Core & Rule Engine
- Fixed GRPC remote TCP/UDP integration concurrency issue;
- Fixed merge of the login white labeling settings;
- Fixed global queue prefix to js-executor, rule-node and tb-rule-engine-notifications-node- consumer group id;
- Fixed alarm state handling for IN, NOT_IN types of operation;
- Fixed useSystemMailSettings handling in case of OAuth2 used in mail settings;
- Fixed custom translation inheritance for sub-customers;
- Fixed TbAwsSqsProducerTemplate;
- Excluded http integrations api in Swagger;
- UI
- Fixed changing the value type not affecting the validation component;
- Fixed not show defaut value in platform name and version position to WL;
- Fuel level monitoring bug fixes and improvements;
v3.6.2 (Dec 28, 2023)
Everything from TB CE v3.6.2 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Automatic ‘Read’ permissions for widgets if user has ‘Read’ permissions for the dashboards;
- Updated sendRpcRequest scheduler event configuration with new parameters: is_one_way, persistent and timeout;
- Enhancements for fuel level monitoring dashboard;
Bug fixes
- Domain name is now always in lowercase;
- Dashboard report generation error handling;
- Fixed validation of Customer permissions for OTA Package entity;
- Fixed ‘Count Unique’ aggregation node initialization from DB;
- Fixed change of mail provider in the mail settings form;
- Fixed entity-group-autocomplete component;
- Fixed custom translation of widget data export with filename;
- Fixed dashboard link in the Smart Retail solution template;
- Fixed color-picker not allowing to select chosen color.
v3.6.1 (Nov 13, 2023)
Everything from TB CE v3.6.1 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Transport API performance improvement;
- Added ability to update WL from tenant to customer via REST API;
Bug fixes
- Fixed add edge dialog;
- Fixed converters component debug mode slider always on;
- Fixed Smart Irrigation template;
- Fixed incorrect recipient dialog title;
- Fixed for Apache Pulsar client in the ‘Apache Pulsar’ and ‘Tuya’ integrations.
v3.6.0 (Sep 21, 2023)
Everything from TB CE v3.6 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
Core & Rule Engine
- Default converters for most Integrations with well-defined message forma;
- Fuel level monitoring solution template;
- Move integration rate limits configuration to tenant profile;
- Improved validation for group permissions, group owner, and resource deletion;
- Moved white labeling attributes from attributes_kv to white_labeling table;
- UI for deleting time-series;
- White labeling login base URL auto-generation based on the domain name;
- Integration wizard layout;
- Added handling for new message types for Efento devices;
- Edge install instructions minor updates;
Bug fixes
Core and Rule Engine:
- Fixed for TCP/UDP integration with binary payload;
- Fixed rabbitmq queue in msa;
- Fixed check write permission in the dashboard;
- Fixed get attributes and time-series keys;
- Fixed custom menu hierarchy;
- Fixed entityDataQuery with GroupList filter;
- Fixed validation for ClientID field in MQTT integration;
- Fixed dashboard fullscreen button;
- Fixed initial value for scheduler event start time when creating;
- Fixed for group entities table excessive api call;
- Fixed for custom translation and menu json content placeholder displayed in one line on firefox;
- Fixed tenant administrators recipients filter in notification center;
- Fixed incorrect count widgets in web report when dashboard has widgets selected hide in desktop mode;
- Fixed customer users sort.
v3.5.1 (May 31, 2023)
Everything from TB CE v3.5.1 with the following bug fixes.
Bug fixes
- Fixed missing query params when redirecting old dashboard URL;
- Fixed dashboard link resent dashboard widget;
- Fixed buttons trigger;
- Fixed TCP integration handler configuration;
- Fixed customer hierarchy update for entity group;
- Fixed solution template documentation links;
- Removed change owner action for system administrator;
v3.5.0 (May 9, 2023)
Everything from TB CE v3.5 with the following features and bug fixes.
Core & Rule Engine
- Azure Service bus integration;
- Tuya integration;
- Ability to create relation between DEVICE and DATA CONVERTER;
- New solution template “Waste Monitoring”;
- Support of new menu and entity tables;
- Edge computing support for solution templates;
Bug fixes
- Fixed relation query for customer level;
- Fixed error flood after reboot of disabled integration;
- Fixed deletion of solution template entities;
- Fixed solution template scheduler event creation;
- Fixed column key mapping for asset_profile;
- Fixed search for entity views;
- fixed opc integration host configuration;
- Fixed no outgoing message issue when doCalculate fails in Aggregate Latest node;
- Fixed telemetry/attribute update while device bulk import;
- Fixed incorrect validation credentials in Azure Iot Hub integration;
v3.4.4 (February 7, 2023)
Everything from TB CE v3.4.4 with the following bug fixes.
Bug fixes
Core & Rule Engine:
- Fixed check alarm permissions;
- Fixed TBEL to MVEL in air quality monitoring template;
- Fixed SI attribute filtering;
- Fixed ‘twilio voice’ node;
- Fixed search in entity group tables;
- Fixed applying custom translations on loading with slow network;
- Fixed some browsers don’t open integration statistics when clicking ‘Daily activity’ column in Integration table;
v3.4.3 (December 21, 2022)
Everything from TB CE v3.4.3 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Core & Rule Engine:
- Air Quality Monitoring solution template;
- UI:
- MQTT integration credentials password is optional;
Bug fixes
Core & Rule Engine:
- Fixed device bulk import with empty credentials;
- Fixed upgrade from CE;
- Fixed remote integrations update;
- Fixed NPE on WS subscription for sysadmin;
- Fixed Things Park integration validation;
- Fixed validation in bulk import and improvement bulk import for Edge;
- Fixed scheduler update configuration;
- Fixed Azure IoT Hub integration validation;
- Fixed NPE during sync process in case edge owner is customer;
v3.4.2 (December 1, 2022)
Everything from TB CE v3.4.2 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Core:
- Real-time sync WhiteLabeling, LoginWhiteLabeling and CustomTranslation to edge;
- Smart irrigation solution template;
- Integration Monitoring via Prometheus;
- Improved ‘alarms count v2’ rule node;
- Partitioning and TTL for BLOB entities;
- UI:
- Improved the design of the integrations UI: added creation dialog, statistics and states to the integration table;
Bug Fixes
- Core:
- UI:
- Fixed display of the host field value for TTN/TTI integrations;
v3.4.1 (August 18, 2022)
Everything from TB CE v3.4.1 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
- Core:
- Fixed startup issues and connection leaks in OPC-UA integration;
- Fixed Azure IoT Hub integration;
- UI:
- Added support Login WL advanced CSS in 2FA login form;
- Fixed filtering;
- Fixed entity group autocomplete;
- Upgraded ExcelJS and fixed style in empty cell data;
- Web Report:
- Added widget cache clearing before starting web-report generation;
- Fixed report generation issue while widget’s state updates.
v3.4 (July 19, 2022)
Everything from TB CE v3.4 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
Major Improvements:
- Core & Rule Engine:
- Integration Executor - scalable microservice that hosts all integrations to separate them from the core services;
- Version Control support for Entity Groups;
- Handling large and small numbers in the Aggregate stream node;
- UI:
- Web report and UI performance improvement;
- Edge:
- Integrations and converters support.
Bug Fixes
- Core & Rule Engine:
- Fix NPE in TbSimpleAggMsgNode;
- Fix daily repeat in scheduler on daylight saving time adjustment;
- Added proper handle of exceptions from Twilio API;
- UI:
- Custom translation load and updates;
- Incorrect routing in “open dashboard” widget action;
- Scheduler error msg on attribute update;
- Check referencing integrations when deleting downlink converter.
v3.3.4.1 (March 18, 2022)
Bug Fixes
- Core:
- Critical alarm security checker fix related to customer users;
- Ability to load corrupted scheduler events;
v3.3.4 (March 11, 2022)
Everything from TB CE v3.3.4 with the following improvements and bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Core & Rule Engine:
- Origin Service ID is not present in RPC requests triggered;
- Jenkins Repository url fix;
- UI:
- Fixed scheduler dialog;
- Fixed switching from local to remote HTTP integration;
- Fixed originator select component required for validation and entity group load flow.
- Integrations:
- Remove Redis dependency from remote integration;
- Workaround for KAFKA-4090 for PE Kafka Integration;
- Hotfix for OPC-UA rescanning and reconnecting;
- Build Scripts:
- Restrict tb-pe docker image to linux/amd64 platform due to tb-web-report package compatibility limits
v3.3.3 (January 27, 2022)
Everything from TB CE v3.3.3 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Core & Rule Engine:
- Added ‘Propagation Entity Types’ parameter to ‘Alarm Count’ rule node;
- Added ‘Queue Name’ parameter to aggregation rule nodes;
- Added REST_API_RULE_ENGINE_CALL to the audit logs;
- Additional alarm read permission checks;
- UI:
- Added entity details page support;
- Added persistent page link for scheduler events page;
- CSS variables support for the white-labeling feature;
- Added ability for tenant administrators to ignore the white-labeling settings configured on a system level;
- Validation to maximum length of the group names;
- “Delete” button in Self-registration form;
- Integrations:
- Additional automatic tests for remote integrations;
- Custom domain support for LORIOT integration;
- API Version to TTI integration;
- Build scripts:
- Docker images check for ARM64;
- K8S scripts moved to separate repository;
- Log4j -> Slf4j annotation due to typo;
- Edge:
- Added missing labels for assigned-to-edge/unassigned-from-edge;
- Send notification event in case change owner of edge to edge session;
- Improved integration tests;
Bug fixes:
- Core & Rule Engine:
- Fix in deprecated alarm count query;
- Fix sending RPC response from integration downlink rule node
- Use correct service id in rest api call reply method to send messages to correct services;
- Integrations:
- Fix reconnect for OPC UA integration;
- Update converter details autocomplete;
- UI:
- Multiple fixes to self-registration form;
- Fixed ability to create entity groups with white spaces instead of names;
- Fixed show edit button in default dashboard without fullscreen mode;
- Fixed close details after create/update/delete permission;
- Fixed display of Audit Logs for Device Profile;
v3.3.2 (November 11, 2021)
Everything from TB CE v3.3.2 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Core:
- Entity search API for system administrator;
- REST API documentation:
- Describe PE entities and methods;
- Help pages for user-defined JS functions:
- Uplink and Downlink converter documentation;
- Ability to configure the external help url using white-labeling parameters;
- Rule Engine:
- Added ability to get parent customer details in customer details node
- Ignore emails api usage when using external mail sender;
- UI:
- Added “Terms Of Use” for Self Registration;
- Added the ability to set the background for login page;
- Added Role, Integration, Converter, Group and Scheduler max length fields validation;
- Added disable export (for notification) in Api Usage dashboard;
- Integrations:
- Support binary data consumption for HTTP/CoAP/MQTT integrations;
- UDP integration improvements. Support PUT in HTTP/CoAP integrations;
- Support of device and asset labels;
- Optimize error logging;
Bug fixes:
- Core:
- Fixed RBAC for Resource and OTA updates;
- Integrations:
- Service bus Queue: ‘maxMessages’ fix;
- Fixed incorrectly displayed Downlink URL after save in the LORIOT integration;
- UI:
- Fixed RBAC to create/write edges;
- Fixed entity-group-autocomplete;
- Fixed custom css dialog close button;
- Fixed customersHierarchy after updated entity group didn’t save new settings group in jsTree;
- Fixed noDataDisplayMessage in scheduler/blob widgets;
- Fixed RBAC disabled select on relations and permissions tabs
- Fixed RBAC for rule chains details tabs;
- Fixed missing icon, after update icon package;
- Minor fixes to Edge Downlinks table;
v3.3.1 (September 3, 2021)
Everything from TB CE v3.3.1 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Introduced Solution templates;
- UI: Added rule engine service to make requests to rule engine from custom actions;
- Remote integrations: Ability to setup RPC SSL without server SSL certificate
Bug fixes:
- UI: Fixed incorrect cashing data in permission resources autocomplete;
- UI: Fixed The Things Stack Industries integration form
v3.3 (August 13, 2021)
Everything from TB CE v3.3 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Improve MQTT integration performance;
- Improve ChirpStack integration validation - application server url and API token are now required;
- CoAP integration with DTLS mode support;
- Confirm dialog in save device group;
- Ability to specify Consumer Group for Azure Event Hub;
- Use queue from device profile when pushing events from integration to the rule engine;
- Improvement to owner autocomplete component;
Bug fixes:
- Customer can not see some data of sub-customer in the dashboard;
- MQTT based integrations, added field for setting up max;
- TLS connectivity for remote integrations;
- Incorrect work of the asset menu when the user is active / inactive edit mode;
- Manage credentials button in the device group;
- Scheduler widget when processing custom event configuration;
- Processing of repartition events in the scheduler service;
- OPC-UA integration downlink and added more logs for not connected state;
v3.2.2 (March 24, 2021)
Everything from TB CE v3.2.2 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Update custom menu: Introduce dashboardId parameter to embed dashboard instead of using iframe;
- Azure Event Hub Integration is updated to use new SDK;
- Added new version of “Alarms Count Node”.
- Added “Duplicate to group entities;
- Added ability to aggregate data on each message in the “Aggregate stream node”.
- Add ability to aggregate data weekly from Sunday to Saturday in the “Aggregate stream node”.
- Extend column export parameters in entities and alarms table for CSV export;
- Improvements to scheduler and integration services in cluster mode;
Bug Fixes:
- Security improvement: Customer can’t see Tenant attributes using Entity Query API;
- Fixed Customer Changes Owner from Sub-Customer to Customer;
- Sigfox integration fix;
- Fixed validation of Kafka integration configuration;
- Fixed downlink for TCP/UDP integrations;
- Fixed SAS credentials in IoT hub node;
- Skip recursive tag scan for OPC-UA Integration. Added explicit disconnect at the end of the scan;
- Can’t change the role type (Generic vs Group) if it is already used;
- Fix tb-web-report docker image;
- UI: Fixed validation of credentials in the LORIOT integration;
- UI: Fix entities;
v3.2.1 (January 26, 2021)
Everything from TB CE v3.2.1 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Google Cloud Pub/Sub integration;
- ChirpStack integration;
- Send “Owner changed” event to rule engine and audit log;
- UI: Optimized load of ExcelJS module;
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed “aggregate stream” rule node;
- Fixed shutdown of AWS SQS integration;
- Fxed double uplink converting in tcp integration;
- Remote integrations: changed parameter “PRC_HOST” to “RPC_HOST”;
- UI: Fixed - do not delete integration parameter when value is single space;
- UI: Fixed copy integration parameters in chrome browser;
- UI: Fixed integration and converter view;
v2.5.6 (January 26, 2021)
Everything from TB CE v2.5.6.
Main features:
- Send “Owner changed” event to rule engine and audit log;
Bug fixes:
- Remote integrations: changed parameter “PRC_HOST” to “RPC_HOST”;
v3.2 (December 1, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v3.2 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- LORIOT integration;
- RabbitMQ integration;
- Simplified Alarm Search Query;
- Api usage stats collection for Integrations;
Bug Fixes:
- Critical bug fix for alarm search query when sorting;
- Show correct time for device profiles scheduler preview;
- Added proxy for reCaptcha.
v2.5.5 (December 1, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.5.5.
Main features:
- Added logs to detect rule nodes that cause timeout;
- Top 5 rule nodes statistics;
- Twilio rule node improvements to support new line characters;
- Added lock to the kafka integration;
- IBM Watson integration improvements
- Improvement to logo container size;
Bug fixes:
- Fixed csv export;
v3.1.1 (August 28, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v3.1.1 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Created Apache Pulsar integration;
- Added lifecycle event “UPDATE” for converter;
Bug Fixes:
- UI: Limit Aggregation Time Unit;
- Fixed query in case generic is not set and entity group ids is present;
- Fixed entity data query - replace bool_or with max;
- Fixed search;
- Fixed for text search in entity selection;
- Fixed Tenant User queries with a combination of generic and group permissions;
- Removed PostgreSQL from tb-pe image;
- Remote integration API: Force disconnect on connection error;
v2.5.4 (August 28, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.5.4.
Main features:
- Created Apache Pulsar integration;
Bug fixes:
- UI: Fixed show dashboard added Group permission;
- Fixed Report service - duplicate generate report post request;
- Fixed tb-pe docker image;
v3.1 (August 12, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v3.1 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Performance improvements for majority of REST API calls;
- Azure IoT Hub integration;
- The Things Industries integration;
v2.5.3 (August 12, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.5.3.
v3.0.1 (June 9, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v3.0.1 with the following improvements.
Bug fixes:
- UI: Fix null value during export into csv.
v2.5.2 (June 9, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.5.2 with the following improvements.
Bug fixes:
- UI: Fix null value during export into csv;
v3.0 (June 1, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v3.0 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Advanced CSS for White-labeling;
Additional features:
- No more “Fetch more” button;
- SQL native filtering and pagination in entity groups;
v2.5.1 (June 1, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.5.1 with the following improvements.
- Performance improvement for RBAC functionality;
- Added maxRecords and requestTimeout to AWS Kinesis integration;
Bug fixes:
- Start scheduled events correctly if startTime is set earlier than repeat config start date
v2.5 (May 12, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.5 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Rule Engine improvements similar to Community Edition;
- OAuth improvements similar to Community Edition;
- Improved performance;
Additional features:
- Added Entity Name column for multiple entities to export functionality;
- Avoid entity count check for unlimited subscriptions;
- Persistent volumes for k8s deployments to store license data;
Bug fixes:
- UI: Fix XLSX export to use local time;
- UI: Add CSV string-delimiter for export;
- RE: Fix for owner logic in TbAddToGroupNode node.
v2.4.3 (January 8, 2020)
Everything from TB CE v2.4.3 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- New Integration: Actility ThingPark Enterprise;
- Added new alias: “Entities;
Additional features:
- Rest client update;
- Added “other properties” for Kafka integration;
- TCP and UDP integration: added HEX handler type;
Bug fixes:
- UI: Fix promise to tenant_admin and generic permission;
- White-labeling: Fixed NPE in case tenant has not additional info;
v2.4.2 (December 10, 2019)
Everything from TB CE v2.4.2 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Kafka integration;
- AWS Kinesis integration;
- UDP/TCP integration improvements and documentation;
- Added support of Assets and Entity Groups in the integrations;
Additional features:
- Add new format export data XLSX;
- JPA improvements.
- Misc performance improvements;
- UI: New alias: Owner of an entity from dashboard state
Bug fixes:
- Fix schedule reconnect for stopped OPC-UA integration;
- Fix for OPC-UA Client reconnect issue;
- Fix event storage reader not to skips an extra line in file on start;
- Fix export file name to support custom translate;
v2.4.1 (September 13, 2019)
Everything from TB CE v2.4.1 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Remote Integrations feature to execute Integrations in a separate microservice;
- Added TCP & UDP Integrations;
Additional features:
- Integration enable/disable feature;
- AWS SQS Integration;
v2.4 (July 10, 2019)
Everything from TB CE v2.4.0 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Added Self-registration feature;
Additional features:
- Improve ‘add to group’ node - add ability to remove entity from current groups;
- Allow pushing ENTITY_CREATED event on device creation via Integration;
- Allow pushing ENTITY_CREATED event on customer creation via Integration;
- Integrations: added ability to change device owner from uplink data;
- UI: Added ‘Copy entity group id’ button;
- UI: Added white-labeling settings to show product name and version;
Bug fixes:
- Fixed matching;
- Fixed whitelabeling issues for subcustomers;
- Fixed owners cache;
- Add validation to Group Permissions Controller;
v2.3.1 (April 3, 2019)
Everything from TB CE v2.3.1 with the following improvements.
Main features:
- Introduced Change Owner operation;
- Introduced Custom Menu feature;
Additional features:
- UI: improved French locale;
- Improve reports generation.
New Rule Nodes:
- Change Owner Rule Node
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Public Users permissions: Added Alarm Read permission.
- UI: Fixed multiple users deletion;
- UI: Timer-Based scheduler layout fix;
- UI: Fixed custom translation update on page refresh.
v2.3 (February 7, 2019)
Everything from TB CE v2.3+ the following improvements.
Main features:
- Advanced RBAC for IoT to be able to define user groups and set permissions in relation to entity groups (devices/assets/dashboards, etc);
Additional features:
- Added User, Entity View and Dashboard groups;
- Improve scheduler configuration with ability to create time-based schedule;
Bug fixes:
- Fixed timezone processing of scheduler events;
- Fixed OPC-UA integration reconnect procedure;
- Fixed issue with multiple creation of devices;
- Improve Platform Integrations initialization;
- UI: Fixed “Allow white-labeling” settings;
- UI: Fixed issue with labels rendering on IE9+;
v2.2 (November 30, 2018)
Everything from TB CE v2.2+ the following improvements.
Main features:
- Added advanced localization support:
- Asset and Device names localization;
- Ability to overwrite any localization constants via UI;
- Login white-labeling improvement support on tenant and customer level based on custom domain names;
- Ability to allow/deny white-labeling on Tenant and Customer level;
- Added ability to hide help links or specify custom base URL;
- Updated Spanish locale;
Bug fixes:
- Improve web report dashboard navigation;
- Added ability to specify language in web reports;
- Fixed export csv/xls data format according to locale
- Scheduler service cluster mode bug fix